
Zach SA:

I was at camp and we had a disco on the last night. While we were dancing I gathered all my courage up and asked my crush to dance. She gave me a weird look and answered, "Sorry, I have to go to the bathroom." As she walked off, all my mates started laughing at me. Turns out they'd put tomato sauce all over my crotch area!
Kayla: Last year, I went on a school trip to the snow. I started skiing down the mountain and noticed all these people watching me. I went really fast to avoid their stares. So fast, in fact, that my ski poles got stuck in a game as I slid past. I let go of the poles and fell down the hill! The whole class and my teachers laughed!
Tracey, 28:

A few months ago, I was diagnosed with shingles, which is basically a painful rash. I didn't think it was a big deal until the doctor prescribed a medication that's also commonly used to treat herpes - it's advertised on TV. Even though shingles isn't a sexually transmitted infection, the symptoms are treated with the same medication. I decided to suck it up and get the prescription filled. But when I got to the pharmacy, I saw that one of the workers behind the counter was a cute guy I went to university with. I tried to avoid getting him by letting an elderly couple go in front of me. But when it was finally my turn to be served, I had to hand over my embarassing prescription to the hottie I knew! He didn't say anything, but he was holding back a smirk as he was reading the script. Now he thinks I have herpes. I am never going to that pharmacy again!